[UNITY] Post Processing 간단 사용법
https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PostProcessingOverview.html Unity - Manual: Post-processing and full-screen effects Post-processing and full-screen effects Unity provides a number of post-processing effects and full-screen effects that can greatly improve the appearance of your application with little set-up time. You can use these effects to simulate physical cameraA c docs.unity3d.com Post Pro..
[UNITY] Google Admob 간단 사용법
앱 생성 및 프로덕션 출시 https://hyeokjunjjang.tistory.com/entry/UNITY-Google-Play-Game-Service-GPGS-%EA%B0%84%EB%8B%A8-%EC%82%AC%EC%9A%A9%EB%B2%95 [UNITY] Google Play Game Service (GPGS) 간단하지 않은 사용법 Google Play Console 기본 설정 https://play.google.com/console Google Play Console | Google Play Console Google Play Console로 앱과 게임을 게시 및 관리하고 Google Play에서 비즈니스를 성장시키세요... hyeokjunjjang.tistory.com 위 링크를 참고하여 앱을 ..
[UNITY] TextMesh Pro 간단 사용법
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.textmeshpro@3.0 TextMesh Pro User Guide | TextMeshPro | 3.0.6 TextMesh Pro User Guide Overview This User Guide was designed to provide first time users of TextMesh Pro with a basic overview of the features and functionality of the tool. Installation The TextMesh Pro UPM package is already included with the Unity Edit docs.unity3d.com TextMesh Pro가 필요한 ..
[UNITY] Localization 간단 사용법
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.localization@1.1 Home Page. | Localization | 1.1.1Home Page. This is the home page for this package.docs.unity3d.comPackage 설치하기[Window > Package Manager]를 선택합니다.좌측 상단 [+]을 클릭하여 [Add package from git URL]을 선택합니다.[URL 입련란]에 아래 링크를 입력하고 [Add]를 클릭합니다.com.unity.localizationLocalization을 찾아 설치합니다.기본 설정[Edit > Project Settings]를 선택합니다.좌측에 [Localization] 메뉴를 ..